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Bank and Investor Business Plan



A Bank Business Plan is an essential element to obtain bank loan approval, as it contains all the pertinent information an underwriter requires for evaluation. This comprehensive business plan flawlessly showcases the monetary capacity of successfully repaying the loan, while emphasizing distinguished leadership experience.

Bank business plans allow a succinct and straightforward review of the products or services that your company offers. With so many business plans being examined in one day, banks prioritize clear financials, easy-to-read formats, and effectively highlighting your organization’s capabilities. If you’re in need of this type of loan, contact our Miami bank business plan writer today to learn more about how we can help you and your business!

Our Bank Business Plans Include:

    • Executive Summary
    • Company Description
    • Service and Product line
    • Value Proposition
    • Business Model
    • Industry Research
    • Market Analysis
    • Target Demographic and Customer Profile
    • Competitive Research
    • Organization and Management
    • Marketing and Sales Strategy
    • Financial Projections and Capital Requirements
    • Cost Structure and Strategy

    The Financial section will include the following:

    • Capital Requirements (financing and financing breakdown)
    • Revenue assumptions Year 1 through Year 5
    • Revenue summary
    • Operational assumptions (direct costs, payroll, overhead)
    • Net present value (includes discounted cash flow)
    • Expense/revenue ratio
    • Sensitivity analysis (includes discounted cash flow)
    • Five-Year Income Statement Pro Forma
    • Five-Year Balance Sheet Pro Forma
    • Five-Year Cash Flow Pro Forma

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