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Immigration Business Plan Writer In Miami

Are you looking to secure an immigration visa for professional studies or begin a business in the US? If so, then your visa application requires that you have ample evidence of possessing the necessary skills, expertise, and resources to start a flourishing enterprise. Legacy Business Plans is well-versed in understanding USCIS needs and will craft a strategic plan compliant with their regulations. With us by your side, moving one step closer to achieving your goal has never been simpler.

Which Visa Programs Require Business Plans?

If you’re looking to obtain an E-2 Investor visa, EB-5 visa, L-1 visa, or an E-1 visa, then your business plan is essential. Here’s a brief overview of each type:

E-1 Treaty Trader Visa

The E-1 Treaty Trader Visa is an invaluable non-immigrant visa for citizens of nations that possess a treaty of commerce and navigation or a bilateral agreement with the United States. This permit enables foreign nationals to enter America, where they can engage in substantial trade activities.

E-2 Investor Visa

The E-2 Investor Visa offers you an opportunity to live and work in the United States of America with your own investment under control. Your visa must be renewed every two years, but there is no limitation on how many times it can be extended if conditions are met. You need a considerable capital contribution for this investor visa that should prove beneficial for our economy – something only available to those from treaty nations!

EB-2 NIW Business Plan and Professional Plan

Possessing an Employment-Based, second-preference visa can offer a range of benefits. EB-2 visa is unique in that it provides permanent residence to those who have obtained advanced degrees or demonstrate exceptional ability. To acquire an EB-NIW visa there are two options: obtaining sponsorship from an employer who will fill out the Labor Certification Application (LCA), or self-sponsoring which can be even more advantageous by providing greater flexibility and control over the entire process!

Self-sponsorship allows the most talented individuals to apply for a green card without having to rely on any single employer, making it an appealing option for entrepreneurs, small business owners, executives, medical professionals, and more. Nonetheless, self-sponsorship comes with its own set of unique difficulties in submitting a successful petition.

EB-5 Visa for Immigrant Investors

Are you looking to obtain a green card and live in the United States? The EB-5 Visa for Immigrant Investors has been created by the Immigration Act of 1990 specifically to aid foreign nationals who invest money in America. To be eligible, applicants must make an investment starting at $1.8 Million (or alternatively $900,000 in a “Targeted Employment Area” (TEA) – high unemployment or rural area ) that will create or sustain 10 full-time qualified jobs for U.S. citizens apart from themselves and their family members. 

L-1 Visa

An L-1 Visa is a visa document used to enter the United States for the purpose of working in L-1 status. It is a non-immigrant visa and is valid for a relatively short amount of time, generally three years. L-1 visas are available to employees of an international company with offices in both the United States and abroad. The visa allows such foreign workers to relocate to the corporation’s US office after having worked abroad for the company for at least one year prior to being granted L-1 status. The US office must be a parent company, a child company, or a sister company of a foreign company.

Business Plan Requirements for Visa Applications

The business plan included in a visa application needs to demonstrate that the applicant is well-equipped with the relevant skills, knowledge, and resources necessary for establishing and prospering a genuine company that provides tangible products & services while hiring American employees. This proposal must have the same quality of one prepared for an investor or bank, it should be as polished as you desire your business to be. It’s critical that this document showcases who you are so make sure it is top-notch.

A comprehensive business plan is essential for any successful venture and should span between 60 to 120 pages in total, including charts, tables, images, and graphs to aid in its comprehension. At the very least it must incorporate:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Description of the company’s products and/or services
  • Market and industry analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Marketing and sales plan
  • Management structure, organization, and business ownership
  • A financial discussion that includes a 3-5 year financial forecast

Important Business Planning Tips for Visa Applicants

Below are some immigration business plan tips for applicants:

  • Do not wait until the last minute. To be safe, allow 1-2 weeks to get this done right.
  • Do not attempt to do this yourself. This document requires a professional.
  • Remember that the business plan and the rest of the application must be consistent with each other.
  • Not only must the plan be written in English, but it must also be written in “Business English.”

If you are a U.S. Visa applicant, it is essential to take the time necessary and consult with an experienced Miami immigration business plan writer who will prioritize your best interests when filing paperwork or creating an impeccable business plan if applicable; this way, you will be able to demonstrate yourself as a successful entrepreneur that stands out from other applicants!

Contact Our Miami Immigration Business Plan Writer Today

We refuse to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, forsaking cheap and quickly assembled plans. No individual should settle for less! When it comes to investor, consular, or adjudication officers’ reviews— generic products simply won’t suffice. Therefore, we offer tailored services that are guaranteed to succeed in helping you reach your desired outcome — your success is worth the effort after all! Contact our Miami immigration business plan writer today for a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help you and your business.

Disclaimer: The above summary of each immigration program should not be considered legal advice or a complete description of the program. Any prospective visa applicant and/or investor is strongly urged to contact a knowledgeable immigration attorney to review their specific circumstances.

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RFE's Experience

Do You receive an RFE? We know exactly how to respond to USCIS.

Built For USCIS

Built For USCIS

Each document is presented in the manner preferred by USCIS, based on our vast experience.

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Visa Approval

We have a long track record of achieving visa approvals. We know what works, and what doesn't.



Easy to read, easy to understand for immigration officers - no matter how intricate your industry is.

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Non Generic

Individuality is key for visa applications. We produce each document from scratch.


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Ready to get started with your business plan? We can help. At Legacy Business Plans, we offer a wide array of business plan writing services custom created to satisfy your unique needs. Whether you’re in need of a commercial business plan or an immigration business plan, our skilled business plan writers are available to help you and your business.

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